Leap N Learn

Child Care Centers


Our Infant Program serves children from ages 6 weeks to 1 year. The teacher/child ratio is 1 to 4. Each child is assigned a primary care giver who attends to the daily needs of the babies in their group and also provides parents with the majority of both formal & informal communication. Each day as you pick up your child you will receive a written report of your child's diaper changes, sleep times, and food intake. 

Care at this age is characterized by child/care giver attachments, sensory experiences, and nurturing environment.  Infants need interaction and to develop a sense of trust with their caregiver.  That's why we coo, cuddle, rock and do everything possible to bond with your baby.  We play simple games like peekaboo, we read stories and teach by interactive play.  We do everything it takes to promote an infant's growth.  In our safe environment, our loving teachers help infants develop in key areas- cognitively, emotionally and physically.

Toddlers 1 & 2
Our Toddler Programs serve children from 1 year to 2 (ratio of 1:5) and 2 1/2 to 3 years (ratio of 1:7). Each classroom has a developmentally based curriculum designed to fit the specific needs of the individual children.  Curiosity, unbounded energy, and independence characterize toddlerhood. Our Toddler teachers assist children in channeling these abilities. 

The toddlers are offered unstructured play time each morning in order to allow them to enter the group at their own pace and encourage them to make choices within defined options.

We offer daily scheduled activities such as art, music, physical activities, dramatic play and story time. Because we understand the importance of flexibility with toddlers, we are prepared to make changes and compromises to meet the ever-changing demands of children.

Younger toddlers are bundles of energy.   At Leap N Learn and Leap N Learn too, we channel the energy and excitement into learning.  Our T1 program provides experiences that are active, sensory- based and meaningful.  Our teachers lead children through age-appropriate activities specially designed to improve coordination and increase verbal and problem- solving skills.

Our teachers are also ready to assist the children when they begin showing interest in going from diapers to using the toilet.

Older toddlers are amazing!  They solve problems.  They discover new things, everyday as they begin to take a real interest in the world and want to take an active role in it.  At Leap N Learn & Leap N Learn too, we give children the guidance and tools they need to explore and learn about the world in a comfortable, secure environment.  Our teachers plan the developmentally appropriate activities children need in order to master important skills for school and for life.

Our preschool programs serves children from 3 1/2 years to 5 years. The teacher/child ratio is 1 to 10. Preschoolers are full of wonder and enjoy spending time observing and imitating. They are very curious at this age and fill their days by exploring the world around them. They are very energetic and love to explore. Preschoolers learn and play in a fun, safe and nurturing environment- offering far more then just child care.  preschool is the first introduction to a life time of learning, a journey that should start off on the right foot. 

 The teachers in our preschool room have created a stimulating and warm environment for your children to grow and feel secure exploring their independence.  We enrich their days in the classroom by providing them with lots of hands-on activities. Because preschoolers love to pretend, we provide plenty of opportunities for dress-up and imaginative activities.  
With their teachers acting as guides and facilitators of learning, the children at Leap N Learn & Leap N Learn too spend most of their time involved in "hands-on" activities, we believe academic learning is most effective when it is playful and exploratory. Our teachers in this program skillfully weave in academic goals and objectives as they build on what children can do, and challenge them to try new things. Children contribute their own ideas and use their own problem-solving strategies to explore the world around them.

Our enthusiastic teachers genuinely care about children and understand each child's individual developmental needs and learning styles.  They take the time to help each child discover, in his or her own way, a fascinating world of play and learning.

Jr Kindergarten (Saco location) 

We are proud to offer half or full day programs five days a week.  In a nurturing environment, children are guided through a developmentally appropriate curriculum that lays the foundation for a successful transition into Kindergarten.  

The JK program provides a learning experience that meets the individual needs of children academically, socially and emotionally. Taught in small groups, theme-based units of learning include:

Language Arts

Social Studies
Classroom Technology
Social Skills and Development

Children will become familiar with the structure and format of a day in Kindergarten while developing critical skills needed for elementary school, such as:

Following multi-step instructions
Organizing work
Controlling impulses
Sustaining attention
Finding multiple ways to solve problems